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GreenItaly 2018
Un quarto delle imprese italiane (345.000) negli ultimi 5 anni ha puntato sulla green economy per superare la crisi e affrontare il...
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Earthmoving Equipment: Types of machines commonly used and their applications in construction.
They are used for a wide range of earthworks including laying foundations, grading soil, removing dirt and rocks, digging trenches,...
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Dissesto idrogeologico: Costa firma decreto di trasferimento risorse previste.
l ministro dell’Ambiente Sergio Costa ha firmato il decreto attuativo che trasferisce nella disponibilità delle regioni i fondi del Piano...
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Macchine movimento terra, andamento del mercato italiano.
L’Osservatorio del CRESME, il centro ricerche economiche e sociologiche del settore delle costruzioni, ha diffuso i dati circa...
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EUROPE Macro Economy
Annual growth forecasts have been supported by surprising levels of growth in the first quarter. However, persisting uncertainty will...
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Perché le costruzioni sono ferme.
Perché le costruzioni sono ferme. Report Confindustria di Andrea Montanino Focus sulle costruzioni nel report congiunturale del centro...
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Excavators and bulldozers market
Excavators and bulldozers: world market for 1 million machines in 2020 Sales of earth moving machinery in Italy grew by 16% in 2017....
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RICS supports Construction 2050 - A New vision for the European Construction sector
Published by Construction21 As part of the European Construction Forum, RICS and other leaders representing the European construction...
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